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Lessons and Workshops

view of art studio with colours, brushes, paper

Lessons and Workshops

I have been running courses, lessons, workshops and solo tuition on several decorative modern or traditional techniques over the years, and I am always happy to take on new students. Beginners are welcome!
For any information or if you would like to take on a course please get in touch trough the CONTACT page.


This is a traditional decorative style, born in Italian Renaissance, and still widely used by decorators and artists all over the world. We will explore the composition method, and we will use the ancient and fascinating technique of EGG TEMPERA to realise our work.

That includes the preparation of your own tempera mixed with pigments and your support with traditional GESSO, as in antiquity. You will realise your draw, and you will learn to transfer it with the Spolvero technique.

At the end of the course, you will have your own piece of ancient art, made by yourself!


This course will teach you how to paint a religious icon using the ancient technique of egg tempera and the gold leaf. You will learn to prepare your support with traditional Gesso, as in antiquity. You will realise your draw, and you will transfer it with the Spolvero technique. You will have inside experience of the way medieval masterpieces were made. 

By the end, you will have completed your own icon.


The Fresco (or Affresco) is the oldest and most fascinating technique of decoration. The course will give you an insight into how the frescos were realised in the classical age. 

The course includes, as in classical age, the preparation of the ARRICCIO on brick, the INTONACHINA  and painting with pigments. During the sessions, we will paint Fresco on brick or different support planning a new job or producing a copy of an existing one. Some physical work required!


Would you like to paint your “fake window” or “trick of the eye”, well known as Trompe l’oeil? In this course, you will realise your Trompe l'oeil with a landscape on support framed by a window. You will develop your own project, and you will learn elements of architectural and air perspective, useful to make the illusion of a three-dimensional space.

You will draw a preparatory sketch in 1:10 scale. You will prepare the surface, draw and paint. You are welcome to bring a picture of a view or other elements (objects, animals etc.) of your choice or to which you have a special bond.


Characteristic of the lino printing technique is that allows the decoration through the repetition of the element.

You will realise your drawing, then carve the polymer sheet and having fun printing as you like on canvas, board or paper.


We will gild with platinum and 23 ct gold or silver leaf some objects (such as frames, or other objects). Using traditional methods and materials, we will learn how to prepare the traditional Gesso, the bole and burnishing of gold and silver leaf.

With the production of different types of gilding and testing of materials, you will have an introduction to water gilding and mordant gilding.


We will design the decoration of an object or furniture, with techniques of your choice: coatings, paints, glazes, grotesque, grisaille, gold or silver leaf, trompe l’oeil, stencils, lino print, etc.

We will prepare our surface, transfer the design, paint and varnish.


This course is for beginners and includes the study of the lights and shadow and composition, line, tone, proportion and perspective with pencils and carbons on different papers. We will exercise from real and from copies.


If you want to learn how to paint, this course is for beginners. We will start with composition, drawing and colour theory. We will Paint with acrylic and then oil. We will test materials and exercise from real and from copies.

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